Friday, September 30, 2011

Collaboration with writer Jeffery Barken.

Over the years many young , and not so young, hitchikers have stayed at Brushwood Studios. Sometimes We never hear from them again, sometimes they remain friends. Sometimes they are utterly insane and scare the crap out of your whole family , and sometimes... They become writers.

I met Jeff five years ago when he was just a teenager with a talent for words, an adventurous spirit and perfect American teeth. Now we are collaborating on a project. Check out his stories here , he's good.

Collaboration with Writer Jeff Barken.

Over the years many young , and not so young, hitchikers have stayed at Brushwood Studios. Sometimes We never hear from them again, sometimes they remain friends , sometimes they are utterly insane and u . And sometimes, they become writers.

I met Jeffery Barkin a few yeas ago when he was just a teenager with a talent for words,an adverturous sprit and perfect American teeth. Now we are collabeoating on a project. Check out his stuff , he's good.